
Arbitrary labels can be placed on the plot using the set label command. If the z coordinate is given on a plot it is ignored; if it is missing on a splot it is assumed to be 0.


         set label {<tag>} {"<label_text>"} {at <x>,<y>{,<z>}}
         set nolabel {<tag>}
         show label

The text defaults to '''', and the position to 0,0,0. The <x>, <y>, and <z> values are in the graph's coordinate system. The tag is an integer that is used to identify the label. If no <tag> is given, the lowest unused tag value is assigned automatically. The tag can be used to delete or change a specific label. To change any attribute of an existing label, use the set label command with the appropriate tag, and specify the parts of the label to be changed.

By default, the text is placed flush left against the point x,y,z. To adjust the way the label is positioned with respect to the point x,y,z, add the parameter <justification>, which may be left, right or center, indicating that the point is to be at the left, right or center of the text. Labels outside the plotted boundaries are permitted but may interfere with axes labels or other text.


To set a label at (1,2) to ``y=x'' use:

         set label "y=x" at 1,2
To set a label ``y=x^2'' with the right of the text at (2,3,4), and tag the label number 3, use:
         set label 3 "y=x^2" at 2,3,4 right
To change the preceding label to center justification, use:
         set label 3 center
To delete label number 2 use:
         set nolabel 2
To delete all labels use:
         set nolabel
To show all labels (in tag order) use:
         show label

(The Latex, EEPIC, and Imagen drivers allow \ \ in a string to specify a newline.)